Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Strategic Management Research and Academic Skills

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Research and Academic Skills. Answer: Introduction The report depicts the importance of digital technologies and its usage in current generation. According to some commentators, the current learning generation thinks in completely different way from the predecessors. In order to identify the differences between the learning characteristics, many investigations are done. It has been found that tough the learners use various resources to learn from the digital technologies, but still the digital technology resources are limited from the learning perspectives. However it has been found that, there are no such technological differences (Goo, Huang Koo 2015). The purpose of the study is to analyze the extent to which the opportunities given by the digital immigrants are adapted by the higher educators or learners. It will allow people to earn professional higher degree or to learn for professional accomplishment. The outline of the study implies that, different features and impact of E-learning helps to perceive advantages and disadvantages at the same time. The outline of the system holds some other features such as its curriculum design, evaluation and embedding. The background of the system states that different labels are used by different commentators to demonstrate the studying approaches maintained by the students belonging from schools and colleges. At the end of the report it will illustrate the breadth of use, self efficacy, and experiences that are necessary to explain the way through which most of the people are becoming digital natives. Identification and analysis of the opportunities provided by the digital technologies Currently the usage of digital technologies among the students is increasing at a rapid rate than before. The more access of data from different resources, help the students to gain more appreciable and shared knowledge (David David 2016). The more as the students will get opportunities to gain knowledge it can be assumed that, it will provide better educational commitment to the students. Digital technologies also enable one learner to share or discuss the information or knowledge with other regardless of the geographical location of the other student. In order to make such digital discussion face to face interaction or physical presence of the learners are not at all necessary. However, from the academic perspectives, the importance and impact of digital technology in the higher education is still undergoing different research. According to Lai and Hong (2014) though the young generation is using the approach of digital technology at a wide range but still the amounts of the resources are limited. In order to complete the university studies though the young students are using wide range of resources and spending lots of time for searching but sill it does not mean that, they possess more knowledge than the older students, those who used to use traditional approaches of learning approaches. British population survey provided much evidence which will help to identify the usage of digital technologies by the current generation. The basic of the digital immigrants assumptions can be clearly mentioned by this approach but at the same time the structure of the brains of the learners and the cognitive processes cannot be explored by this system (Hsu, Hwang Chang 2013). It is very much necessary to use same kind of approach, which is expected by the students. It will help the students to learn easily from the discussion made by the teachers. Different aspects of digital natives are also determined. These are as follows: Aspects Impact Age Experiences Breath of use None of the external context is known to the young students who use digital technologies to gain knowledge from different resources Experience is one of the important things that will help one to gain much knowledge from different resources. It has been found that, the users who are familiar with the internet technologies from the young age but using the internet services from a long time, can also grown up their knowledge (Goo, Huang Koo 2015). This term is referred to those natives who are using the internet service regardless of the time, age, place and experiences. These three variables are completely dependent to one another. This particular report will illustrate the importance of these variables in terms of being a digital native. None of the literatures are capable to produce the exact definition of a digital native (David David 2016). It has been found that nowadays most of the people uses internet services to gain knowledge, multitasking. Large ranges of new technologies help one to achieve submerged ideas in different fields (Hsu, Hwang Chang 2013). . Apart from this, different methods are also identified that provide authenticated information on the internet usage and non use. The survey carried out by a face to face interaction between the users and the survey director (Wolfson et al. 2013). The processes served the directors are followed by many stages. The age group who took part in the survey is from fourteen and older than that. In the year of 2007, more than 2,351 respondents took part in this survey and among them the numbers of internet users are found to be around 1,579. From mathematical perspective the response rate was found to be around 77%. The survey had concerned many areas of digital application including the internet services and different information about the internet users and the internet usage. Currently, the internet services are using in different fields such as for electronic learning, electronic entertainment and electronic finance (Hwang et al. 2014). On the other the survey had also been covered the impact of internet services and its different attitudes in privacy practices and technologies. The report will help to make a distinction among the internet users only. People who use the service at a large range and those who uses the internet services rarely are the participants of the survey. Thus, it can be said that those who are not at all the internet users, cannot take part in the survey. Almost cent percent of the young generation uses the internet services but at the same time, many older people also get attracted after knowing the usefulness of the internet services (Entwistle Ramsden 2015). Though, the older generation is not as much familiar with the internet services like the young natives. The media richness in the households is the main reason behind the wide range of application of the interne services in the current generation. Electronic learning approach helps a learner to achieve wide range of knowledge from different resources and at the same time it will help to make interaction among many learners at a same platform. One learner can share his or her view to other and this will increase the level of knowledge of the learners (Rezaei Noornejad 2016). OxIS a known survey conducting agency conducted a survey questionnaires session where, the activities served by the users were revealed. Particularly with the help of this survey around twelve categories of internet use are identified. The constructions become possible due to the analysis of exploratory factors (Simonson et al. 2014). Particularly for digital native approach the application of the variables helps to increase the self efficacy of the users and at the same time, the training and learning approaches will also give many opportunities to the enhance the potential learning approach. Though, among all the twelve factors, three main factors such as fact checking, training and learning and current affairs and interest searching approaches are identified, that are directly related to learning and education. Comparison of the usage of digital immigrants After analyzing the entire process many major differences are identified between the traditional approach and the current electronic learning approaches (Entwistle Ramsden 2015). In previous days the students and teachers are bound to present physically in the classroom. In that situation the students and teachers can interact with each other face to face. If the students possess any query then they have to opportunity to solve their queries by directly asking questions to the teachers. On the other hand, in electronic learning approaches the students cannot directly interact with the teachers. However, in this case the students can interact, with the teachers and other students on a platform, with the help of electronic learning. Additionally, the students can interact with other students also on the online learning committee (Colomo-Palacios et al. 2014). However, there is a drawback of the system because at a time many students cannot interact on the platform. Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, the online learning approach is helpful for the student and teachers at the same time. However certain draws back are also associated to the system. The report has identified and analyzed the entire context to which the digital technologies are provided to the digital natives on higher education. Though online learning approach is helpful but still due to lack of technologies the learning process lags behind. The supportive analysis system, showed the difference between the traditional and the current learning approaches. In addition to this, the report has also mentioned the comparison between the technologies used by the digital immigrants. Recommendations to some technologies that are required to enhance the learning approaches In order to resolve the issues that are associated to current digital learning approaches, certain recommendations are provided and these are as follows: Generic personalized framework: A generic personalized framework is needed to be adapted so that the issues oriented to single personalized techniques can be mitigated. It is a combined technique with hybrid recommenders. It also helps to mitigate the issues that might occur due to improper application of data modeling and data sourcing. Comtella D-system: It is needed to create an online community or discussion forum that, helps the students to keep on discussing on social, ethical, legal and other technology based solving approaches. References Chen, Y., Carroll, R.J., Hinz, E.R.M., Shah, A., Eyler, A.E., Denny, J.C. Xu, H., (2013). Applying active learning to high-throughput phenotyping algorithms for electronic health records data.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,20(e2), pp.e253-e259. Colomo-Palacios, R., Casado-Lumbreras, C., Soto-Acosta, P. Misra, S., (2014). Providing knowledge recommendations: an approach for informal electronic mentoring.Interactive Learning Environments,22(2), pp.221-240. David, F. David, F.R., (2016). Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts Cases. Entwistle, N. Ramsden, P., (2015).Understanding Student Learning (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Gandhi, M., Beasley, A., Vinas, E., Sangi-Haghpeykar, H., Ramin, S.M. Kilpatrick, C.C., (2016). 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