Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Romantic Era Of American Literature - 1963 Words

American literature is split into certain eras, all of which containing different characteristics and ideals which set them apart from each other, the Romantic Era being one of them. The Romantic era began in the late seventeen hundreds and ended in the mid eighteen hundreds. Taking place right after the enlightenment and yet before realist era, but with ideas of both, this era was a major transition of ideas and advancements not just in the world of literature but also in resources, location of families, and technologies. While being titled with the â€Å"Romantic Era† the literature, while might contains some type of romantic relationship, is not what the era is about. Many ideas of the Romantic Era still exist in writing today such as the belief in children s innocence, symbolic characters and heroic individualism, however, there are ideas specific to the era and are represented in its literature- value in what is special to man, aspiration of that which goes past human lim its, nature as a source of instruction, powerful emotions such as nostalgia, and the importance of plot around crises. Some works that are included in this era are, the Scarlet Letter, Rip Van Winkle, and poetry that of William Bryant. These authors use style and plot to demonstrate the ideals and characteristics of the Romantic Era in American Literature. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850, tells the tale of Hester Prynne an adulteress in her small puritan community. 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